indira gandhi


the second most famous indian person named gandhi to be assassinated. india's first female prime minister, famous for getting the country mixed up in a war with pakistan and for testing huge-ass nuclear weapons in the indian desert. one suspects she was in margaret thatcher's book club

eventually killed by her own sikh bodyguards in 1984, which got the rest of india very upset with the sikhs. and so the wheel of human intrigue turns onward.


(n.) it's a funny story, you've probably heard the idiom "hoist by your own petard," meaning "have your actions backfire on you," and you might have assumed a petard was some kind of garment or something. but actually a petard is a kind of bomb. the saying is "blown up by your own bomb"


(n.) a group of people that joins together in the purpose of festivity and the making of merriment. what fun!


a group of people forming a political faction within the government with the intention of pushing for certain policies and platforms. not terribly fun.


The name for a state within the USA, once known as Massachusetts. But because the capital is so much easier to say, and because no one knows where the hell it is without its capital existing, the name of the state might as well be its capital: Boston.

Dood1: hey, didn't you say you were going to Massive Two Shits or whatever?

Dood2: what? Oh you mean Boston? Yeah I went, it was filled with cholos from the vineyards.

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